Bitterbarn’s Weblog

aka “The Bull” (some content not suitable for children or religous zealots)

Dear good fellas

Dear: Hank paulson (sec of treasury) and Ben Barnake (not sure what you do.. sorry)

     I am writing you this letter to wish you well. Hank I Love what you’ve done with you hair, and I have to say I hardly noticed you stutter this morning when you addressed the congress.  Ben you are looking dapper as ever. How is the wife?; send my regard please.  As you both know, I foolhardily endeavoured to better by myself by going to graduate school.   My short sightedness in such an undertaking has landed me in a little bit of a fix with my “school loan debt”.   Any-who since we are old pals and because I kept our little secret from last years American association of financial idiots conference; under wraps. I thought you could do me a little favor.  Since “money”  in the billion to trillion dollar range seems to come so easily to you I thought you could help me out with my school load debt.  A bail-out if you will. Lets call it a “one time” bail out. 🙂  My 160,000 should seem like a drop in the bucket to you.  If you could send a cashiers check  asap I would appreciate it. thanks.

   the bull

September 24, 2008 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | 5 Comments